Value, Camaraderie, Community

You and the mountain (and your 100+ new friends)

Life is a lot more fun when you have someone to share it.

Wouldn't this be more fun with friends?

Join us to ski and socialize!

More fun with friends!

WOW at Sunbowl

This is MORE FUN with Friends!

3.1 EVENTS: Getting A Gatelist for an Event

  1. Log into the admin Dashboard
  2. Navigate to Events > Bookings Gatelist1
  3. Click on the Title of the Event you want Underneath “Events with Bookings Enabled”
  4. In the Event page, you will see a list of bookings with names. You can export this to csv if you like as shown, or print this page out.Gatelist3
  5. That’s It! 🙂

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