Value, Camaraderie, Community

You and the mountain (and your 100+ new friends)

Life is a lot more fun when you have someone to share it.

Wouldn't this be more fun with friends?

Join us to ski and socialize!

More fun with friends!

WOW at Sunbowl

This is MORE FUN with Friends!

1.1 BASICS: How to Log Into the Front End Admin Pages

We have added some forms for administrators to be able to register or renew members by check.

To access these forms:

  1. Use a new tab in your browser to the front end of the website.
  2. Click on the “Join” link in the top menu.
  3. If you are already logged into the admin in another tab in your browser, you will see “Howdy, yourname'” at the top of the right-hand sidebar. If this is the case proceed to step 5.
  4. If you are not already logged in, log into the Member Login at the top of the right sidebar. Use your ADMIN name and password combo if you also have a regular member account. ONLY the admin account will be able to see the forms.
  5. Once you are logged in successfully, click on the “Admin” link that appears in the top right menu in the rightmost position.
  6. You can reach the admin forms by clicking on the one you want in the right sidebar.

All Contents © 2022 Stratton Trailblazers. All Rights Reserved.