We have added some forms for administrators to be able to register or renew members by check.
To access these forms:
- Use a new tab in your browser to the front end of the website.
- Click on the “Join” link in the top menu.
- If you are already logged into the admin in another tab in your browser, you will see “Howdy, yourname'” at the top of the right-hand sidebar. If this is the case proceed to step 5.
- If you are not already logged in, log into the Member Login at the top of the right sidebar. Use your ADMIN name and password combo if you also have a regular member account. ONLY the admin account will be able to see the forms.
- Once you are logged in successfully, click on the “Admin” link that appears in the top right menu in the rightmost position.
- You can reach the admin forms by clicking on the one you want in the right sidebar.