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Admin Help

Help post for Administrators

4.1 YEARLY CHORES: End of Year Member Reset

Updated by Mary Sullivan Oct 31, 2019.  All users are reset at once.

How to reset all members so they will need to renew their memberships at the end of the season.

PLEASE NOTE IT IS IMPERATIVE YOU DO NOT RESET ADMIN USERS or the site will break down and it will be difficult to restore access.

  1. Navigate to the Users Menu in the left of the Admin (Click “Users”).
  2. At the top of the Users page, click on “Active Members” in the links, as shown below.
  3. Click the checkbox at the top left that toggles ALL the checkboxes below. doc_clickall
  4. Change the role to “Subscriber” by selecting Subscriber in the popdown and then pressing the “Change” Button.

1.3 BASICS Editing the News Block on the Home Page

To edit the News block on the home page,

Here is a direct link to the edit page but you must be logged in to use it:
Edit the News Block

  1. Log into the admin
  2. click on “HOme Middle Block Contents” in the left nav of the admin,
  3. Choose “Edit” under “Featured News” in the listing that appears or just click the title.
  4. Edit, save & test by viewing your home page and looking for typos.

3.1 EVENTS: Getting A Gatelist for an Event

  1. Log into the admin Dashboard
  2. Navigate to Events > Bookings Gatelist1
  3. Click on the Title of the Event you want Underneath “Events with Bookings Enabled”
  4. In the Event page, you will see a list of bookings with names. You can export this to csv if you like as shown, or print this page out.Gatelist3
  5. That’s It! 🙂

2.1 MEMBERS: Editing a User

To edit a user, for example to manually update their data or password:

  • Click on Users > All Users in the left-hand admin menu.
  • Search for the user you want by using their last name or username in the Search box at the top right of the user listing.
  • Find the user you want in the listing of search results.
  • If it is a quick change, mouseover their name and choose “Quick Edit”, edit the field you want & press “Update”.
  • If the field(s) you need to change are not part of the quick edit capability, mouseover the user’s name and click “Edit”.
  • Edit the fields you want, then press “update”. The Winter address and extra profile fields are down towards the bottom of the edit page, and the update button is at the very bottom.
  • Note that some fields in the Long Edit form are not optional, and the form may have an error at the top after you save. If this is the case none of your changes will save & you must also update the field the form is complaining about (Country is a common one.)
  • PHONE NUMBER FORMAT must be XXX-XXX-XXXX when you enter manually. For example, “802-999-9999” WITH THE DASHES. This is important because if you put the wrong format in the phone field, this user will not be able to use the alternate login form.

2.2 MEMBERS: Register a Member by Check

  1. Fill out the Form on this page & save the member:
  2. Navigate to the Admin area USERS menu as shown below (Click “Users”)doc_usersmenu
  3. Find the User you want using the Search at the top right.
  4. Click the checkbox to the left of that User’s name in the list.
  5. Select the role in the “Change Role” Popdown to be Active Member, then click the “Change” Button.
  6. That should be it! 🙂

1.2 BASICS: Adding Admin Documentation

When adding Documentation to the “Admin Help” Section:

  1. Add each topic as a post under the “Documentation Files” Custom post type in the admin menu.
  2. Save the post as public
  3. Set the post Category to “Admin Help”.
  4. At the bottom of the editor, enable Press Settings & then Update the post.
  5. Now set it so that basically only Administrators and Editors can see it, then block everyone else & Save.

1.1 BASICS: How to Log Into the Front End Admin Pages

We have added some forms for administrators to be able to register or renew members by check.

To access these forms:

  1. Use a new tab in your browser to the front end of the website.
  2. Click on the “Join” link in the top menu.
  3. If you are already logged into the admin in another tab in your browser, you will see “Howdy, yourname'” at the top of the right-hand sidebar. If this is the case proceed to step 5.
  4. If you are not already logged in, log into the Member Login at the top of the right sidebar. Use your ADMIN name and password combo if you also have a regular member account. ONLY the admin account will be able to see the forms.
  5. Once you are logged in successfully, click on the “Admin” link that appears in the top right menu in the rightmost position.
  6. You can reach the admin forms by clicking on the one you want in the right sidebar.
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